In the last few years we have been noticing a sudden increase in behavioral skills, tools for talent attraction, engagement and retention. The Industry wants to ensure that the best-fit candidate should be tailor made for a role We offer researched and highly standardised, skill based tests that helps organisations to assess strengths of an individual, predict behavioural patterns while working in a role and a team. These tests also help in overall development for a person and also helps in planning various HR trainings required for the team.Areas of expertise
- Psychometric testing for selection and development
- Competency Based Interviewing (CBI)
- Career assessment and counselling support for educational institutions
- 360 degree feedback
- Training in psychometric testing and certification workshops
- Individual counseling
Our assessment tests and delivery processes are standardized and well researched by our team of Consultants.Our clients benefit from
- The customization offered by our assessment tools
- Identifying behavioral pre-requisites for any role.
- Developing training and development plans that helps an individual’s potential
- Motivations trainings developed by our team which drives individual to achieve his/hher optimum capability
If you would like to learn more about EMS Assessment solutions for your business, please get in touch with us today at